Over the last 60 years, coffee has become a major part of the average person’s day. As technology evolved, so did the instruments to make it and the kinds you can get. With artisan coffee brewers around the world, the morning staple is a carefully crafted personal expression. But certain components of the coffee making process are actually phenomenal little cleaners!
Coffee filters are inexpensive and plentiful. While you can get them in bleached or unbleached varieties, the power comes from the fact that they are made from the coarse, long fibers of fast growing trees. This means they aren’t treated with harsh chemicals and are natural, absorbent cleaners.
Instead of using tissues or rags to clean glass, use a coffee filter. They won’t leave any lint behind and are safe to use on eyewear, sunglasses, TV screens, computer monitors, phones and mirrors. In many cases, you may not even need to use a chemical cleaner to brighten up the dingy glass. Being absorbent, you can even use them to remove nail polish or shine your boots with shoe polish.
The beautiful part about it is that coffee filters are ridiculously inexpensive and can be found at any major grocery store or retailer. Even gas stations sometimes have them. It certainly cuts down the cost of cleaning supplies!
EXTRA TIP: Put a coffee filter in your cast-iron skillet when not in use to wick up moisture and prevent rusting.