Thanksgiving Cleaning Tips You Probably Forgot
Forget Game of Thrones and winter… Holiday Guests Are Coming!
With turkey day a mere week away, there comes a point for every host when you question the cleanliness of your home, the strength of your cooking skills and the boisterous opinions of some outrageous relatives.  While you can’t control what folks say and your cooking will likely turn out fine barring a Griswold family disaster, the one thing you can count on is having your living space up to snuff for holiday guests.
Of course, vacuuming, dusting and tidying major rooms is on your agenda but here are a few tips you might forget about in prepping for Thanksgiving:

Fridge Clean Out – You can’t just move a few items and call it a day.  You need to be cutthroat when it comes time to making room in your fridge.  Do this at least a few days out from the big day so you aren’t struggling with leftovers or having items spill out while you are in mid-cooking frenzy.  A great way to reduce the amount of leftovers is to send containers of food home with each guest – think a Thanksgiving goodie bag!

Outdoor Chores – At least a week out, tackle those tedious outdoor chores such as raking leaves.  The idea is to create a safe walkway and ample parking space for your friends and family on Thanksgiving.  If you live in a region where the snow has visited a bit early, make sure to snowblow or shovel your drive and the main walkway.  Put down salt or deicer so guests don’t go sliding and end up injured.  Remember to put down salt on the drive itself, especially if your driveway is on an incline, so cars don’t go sliding into the street or each other.  Ask me how I know…

Coat Space – Considering the big meal you are about to prepare, figuring out where everyone’s belongings will go is probably one of the last things on your mind.  About a week before the event, clean out a closet or empty off a coat rack for guest belongings.  You can even have them toss all of their stuff onto a bed or chair in a certain room.  Don’t forget that guests will likely have purses and other bags as well so make sure there is enough space for miscellaneous items.  If you don’t already own one, it may not be a bad idea to spend a few bucks and purchase an extra coat rack you can have nearby.

Oven and Stove Spritz – Clean your oven, stovetop and exhaust fan a week or two before Thanksgiving.  This is crucial because it will make day of clean up faster and give you a fresh, clean space to get your holiday cooking going.

Touch Up Time – Use the night before as your set up and touch up time.  Do a light dusting, vacuuming and sweeping while you wipe down countertops, mirrors and the toilet.  This is also a perfect time to set up any decorations, candles, etc. and to set the table so it’s one less thing you have to worry about.  If you don’t need the space or the table for prep work, having it set the night before is ideal.  All of your touch ups will leave Thanksgiving day itself solely for cooking.

Centering your cleaning and prep around a week or two before the big day will take so much stress off of your shoulders.  The night before can be a saving grace because you can get everything accomplished so Thanksgiving can be spent making the meal and enjoying time with family.  If you are running short on time or are unable to get everything tidy for the big day, consider hiring a local cleaning service to do a deep clean of your home and help alleviate holiday pressure.  No matter what you do, enjoy your Thanksgiving!

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