Cleaning can pose a challenge depending what needs to be done and the time it takes to accomplish it.  However, the glorious cleaning gods have smiled down upon us and shown us the way with some amazing cleaning hacks that can tackle those tough jobs like a pro.  Whether it helps save you time or just keeps it well-maintained so that it needs less attention in the future, you definitely don’t want to miss out on these handy tips!

10 Cleaning Hacks You Probably Didn’t Know

seam ripper on vacuum
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Clean Out Your Vacuum With A Seam Ripper

A seam ripper will actually clean out all of the tightly wound hairs and gunk around your vacuum brush and roller.  It is much more effective than using your hands – trust us!

baking soda on grout
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Use Baking Soda Instead Of Bleach On Grout

Over time, bleach can destroy your grout lines.  Instead, use a solution of baking soda and warm water to clean out gross grout.  Using a microfiber cloth, soak it in warm water, apply a few drops of soap and just wipe off the baking soda concoction!

dish wand in tub
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Bring That Soap-Dispensing Sponge Into Your Tub

While we’re in the bathroom, here’s a handy time-saver.  Using those sponges that automatically dispense soap, scrub your wet bathtub.  Fill the sponge with the trusty baking soda, warm water and dish soap solution and clean away!

leather couch
Photo By Crate and Barrel

Olive Oil Cleans Leather Furniture

It may sound odd but rubbing olive oil over scratches on leather furniture actually works!  Let it set for an hour and then wipe off with a damp cloth to have the leather looking shiny and clean.

window track
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Use Baking Soda And Vinegar On Your Windows

The insides of your windows, called the window tracks, can collect a buildup of dust, debris, insect carcasses and much more disgusting items.  To keep them looking sharp, sprinkle baking soda into the track, spritz vinegar over it and wipe up with a damp cloth.  Voila!  Completely clean windows!

baby wipes on stains
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Use Baby Wipes For Spills

For fresh stains, simply clean up or dab with a baby wipe.  They are perfect pet stain picker uppers too!

increase towel absorbency
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Increase Towel Absorbency With Baking Soda And Vinegar

So, baking soda and vinegar just might be your new best friend.  You can use this concoction to increase the absorbency power of your towels!  Wash your towels with one cup of vinegar and hot water.  After that, run them through another cycle with a half of a cup of baking soda and hot water.  Two washer cycles = AMAZING!

baking soda on mattress pro
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Freshen Up Your Mattress With Some Baking Soda

Mattresses can be dirty little things.  They are chock-full of dead skin cells and other particles.  For a deeper clean, vacuum the exterior of the mattress and then apply a solution of hydrogen peroxide, three tablespoons of baking soda (our bff!) and a drop of dish soap.  You can’t let the concoction sit so make the time to get this done.

You’ll want to spray the entire mattress and let it sit until it is completely dry.  Vacuum it one more time and then it’s ready for use.  Occasionally, spruce your mattress up by sprinkling a little baking soda on there and vacuuming it.

cream of tartar
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Cream Of Tartar Cleans Your Stainless Steel

Wet a sponge and apply a bit of cream of tartar to it.  Wipe down all of your stainless steel and then rinse to see it sparkle!

baking soda down kitchen sink
Photo By Trickious

Baking Soda And Vinegar Will Keep Your Kitchen Sink From Stinking

Our favorite cleaners back at it!  Pour one cup of baking soda down your drain and then pour two cups of vinegar down.  Let it set for 30 minutes and then rinse with boiling water.  If you do this weekly, your sink won’t stink!

Use these tips to help freshen your space and save yourself time and energy.  This list is only the tip of the iceberg in regards to different ways to clean more efficiently but it should help get you set up for success!  Happy Cleaning!

When you need an industrial clean with the best eco-friendly products in the industry, call DM Industrial Janitorial Service!

Isn’t it time to see the difference between clean and Industrial Clean?  Call DM Industrial Janitorial Service today to find out just how we can help you!

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