Bathroom Cleaning Tips
One of the most dreaded of all places to clean is the bathroom.  Whether at home, the office or in public, we have all sorts of horrid emotions about restrooms.  They bring forth grotesque images in our brains that carry over when it comes time to clean them.  By following these industry tips from the pros, not only will you severely cut down the time you spend cleaning it but you can keep that bathroom sparkling and fresh-smelling!

Use these Pro tips to help keep your bathroom filth-free and low maintenance!

We might as well start with the worst part.  Toilets are definitely unpleasant to clean but you can ease the burden by wiping it down in a definite order.  Wipe down the handle first and then the tank lid, front of the tank, top of the toilet lid, inside lid, top and underside of the seat, the rim of the bowl, the outside of the bowl and finish with cleaning the toilet base all the way to the back.  Save the inside of the toilet itself for very last.
As for the toilet bowl, when using a toilet brush, be sure to close the toilet lid on top of the brush handle so it can drip dry into the bowl for at least 10 minutes.  This keeps your toilet brush from leaking into its holder and creating a gross puddle or transferring bacteria.  For super tough stains and rings, use a wet pumice stone.  Make sure the stone is wet so you don’t scratch the porcelain.  For a deeper clean, dump a cup of baking soda into the bowl and let it sit for a few minutes.  Use the toilet brush and then the pumice stone for a truly sparkling finish.
To keep your toilet pretty low maintenance throughout the week, swirl your bowl with the toilet brush and wipe the toilet seat and rim every day.  This will all take a total of 30 seconds and will stop you from amassing tough stains or having to spend too long cleaning the toilet during your weekly routine.
DM Industrial PRO Tip 3
The second most dreaded spot in the bathroom is the shower/bathtub.  For water spots and mineral deposits, saturate a paper towel or microfiber cloth in white vinegar and let it sit on top of them for a good 15 minutes.  Wipe the stain away and your faucets, fixtures and tubs will remain shiny.  For showerheads, fill a shopping bag with the vinegar and tie it around the showerhead itself.  Leave it overnight to soak and then rinse clean in the morning.

Shower doors always seem to be a big problem but there are a few things you can do to keep yourself from having to viciously scrub them.  Use a wet Brillo pad to clean glass doors.  It eliminates water spots or scum without scratching any glass.  Get in the habit of using a squeegee after each shower.  This helps avoid buildup of nasty scum deposits.

By taking a few seconds every day to spray the shower and curtain liner with a cleanser or shower mist, you avoid having to deal with tough stains when you scrub the tub and tiles during your weekly routine.

For bathtubs, be sure to spray a solution of half warm water and half white vinegar on the entire surface.  Let it stand for 15 minutes and then wipe with a sponge or microfiber and rinse with clean water.  For heavier stains, make a paste of one part hydrogen peroxide and two parts baking soda.  Rub it on the stains and let stand for at least an hour.  You should be able to wipe and rinse the stain right off.  When needed, repeat until you have eradicated the stain.

Sinks And Mirrors
Use the white vinegar solution mentioned above to eliminate water spots and mineral deposits from your sink faucet and fixtures.  Always rinse the sink out before adding cleaning products to loosen scum, grime and dirt trapped on the surface.  Be sure that the product you use to clean the sink is a disinfectant because that is the biggest place where germs collect.

To keep the mirror streak-free and spotless, use cornstarch.  Adding a teaspoon of cornstarch to a cup of white vinegar and a cup of water will make your glass shine crystal clear.  Be sure to wipe out the faucet and wipe down the mirror every day.  Those 15 seconds can save you from massive gunk accumulation each week.

DM Industrial PRO Tip 4
The Rest
Each week you should mop the floor and empty out the wastebasket.  Take 30 seconds to wipe out the wastebasket after you empty it because you will not like what starts to grow in there if you don’t.  Wipe down the switch plates, doorknobs and doorjambs with a disinfectant to guard against bacteria spreading and keep sickness at bay.
Every few months you should clean out your medicine cabinets or bathroom closets and shelves.  Don’t be afraid to use labeled containers to store things neatly or separate items by family member.  Taking the time to organize your bathroom space can cut down on hectic bathroom routines and keep your space fresh.  You can even find a variety of containers at your local Dollar Tree if you don’t want to invest a lot on something that will be used and abused.

Showing your bathroom a little TLC during the week can turn it a painstaking routine into a breeze.  A few seconds of maintenance every day will save you time and headaches when it comes time for the weekly bathroom cleaning.  Even if you only use a few of these tips, you will notice a change not only your bathroom space but in how you feel about cleaning it.  It’s about time that space became a little less dreary.  Happy Cleaning!

Isn’t it time to see the difference between clean and Industrial Clean?  Call DM Industrial Janitorial Service today to find out just how we can help you!

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