Halloween Cleaning Tips
For Halloween Prank Clean-Up, Wet Area Below Dried Eggs, Wait A Few Minutes And Then Gently Hose Off.  Never Use HOT Water.

Halloween pranks are just as much a part of the holiday as costumes and trick-or-treating.  As long as it isn’t blatant vandalism, some of the tricks being pulled are fairly harmless and simple to clean up.  Smashed eggs on your home’s siding or car are actually easy to get rid off.  Using the tip above should eliminate most eggs.

For those tougher messes, apply a mixture of warm water and a strong alkaline cleaner on the spot.  These cleaners are simply higher in pH and fantastic at removing food, oils, fats and lubricants.  Ammonia is a great example of a higher pH chemical.  Let it sit for five or ten minutes and then use a soft bristle brush to remove the eggy mess.

You should never use hot water on egg residue because it only causes it to congeal further.

For the infamous soap and shaving cream on windows, try to treat them as soon as possible.  Letting them set only makes the mess tougher to clean.  You want to soften the materials so give them a nice hose-down and let them soften.  Think about what happens when water mixes with soap and shaving cream.  Giving the water time to break it down makes clean-up so much faster.  Once it’s properly softened, use a stiff brush and gently scrub the area.  Rinse and polish with a soft, clean cloth.

If the soap has had time to dry, use a single edge razor and chip at the soap with a downward motion.  Start at the top of the window and work your way down until finished.  Use any window cleaner and polish finished.

TP is even easier to get rid of because it’s made to dissolve when interacting with water.  It should disintegrate within a few days.  If you want it gone immediately, blast at it with a power hose but remember to work your way from top to bottom.

Isn’t it time to see the difference between clean and Industrial Clean?  Call DM Industrial Janitorial Service today to find out just how we can help you!

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