Lemont Cleaning Tip 20

In The Office, Have Employees Reduce Harmful Dust Accumulation By Gently Cleaning Off Their Keyboards, Monitors And Phones Daily!

Our Lemont office cleaning service shares their advice for keeping your work place as accommodating as possible for employees and customers alike.  Every office space needs regular deep cleaning and disinfecting to keep germs, viruses and bacteria at bay and improve the air quality in your work environment.  Luckily, you can schedule such a clean on a time frame that best suits you and the needs of your particular industry.

In the meantime, it’s important to have employees help out on a daily basis.  Keep a designated shelf, closet or small area where cleaning supplies can be held.  Solutions, rubbing alcohol, disinfectant wipes, microfiber rags, brooms and other equipment should be easily accessible for all in the office.  If everyone were to tidy or dust their work area a few minutes every day, it would go a long way in improving air quality and maintaining better health in the workplace.

One of the biggest culprits to attract dust, dead skin and other air pollutants is electrical equipment.  Computers, telephones, keyboards – these are hotbeds for dust accumulation and could stand a light dusting each day.  You may not realize it but that dust doesn’t just settle on your desk and can be kicked up into the air system of your building where it can build up and even recirculate into the air.  Remember to ditch the feather dusters (they kick dust up) and use a damp cloth, sponge or electronic wipe to collect the dust instead.

It’s not a bad idea to provide hand sanitizer on desks and in common areas so employees and customers can maintain a habit of fighting germs and reducing spread of illness.  Whether it’s a small retail shop in Chicago or a large corporate space in Lemont, with these two simple changes, you can dramatically increase the productivity of your company by keeping a clean, safe space for all.

Isn’t it time to see the difference between clean and Industrial Clean?  Call Lemont DM Industrial Janitorial Service today to find out just how we can help you!

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