How To Protect Your Office After Coronavirus

One thing that the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic has shown us is that we are ill-prepared when it comes to slowing the spread of pathogens.  This is especially true in the work place where many different individuals gather and often interact with the public at large.  Many companies hire a third party cleaning service to come in weekly, or even nightly, to keep their environment safe for staff and guests but there are a few other things you can implement to provide better protection and be far more prepared to keep illness at bay.

Surface Shortcuts – Over recent years, many restaurants and office spaces have been gradually implementing shortcuts to reduce the amount of surfaces that an employee may have to touch.  From doors that swing both ways with the nudge of a foot to motion lights in bathrooms and work spaces, reducing touch is one of the greatest ways to combat the spread of disease.

If your work place doesn’t already have them, work on adding motion sensors to bathroom features such as toilets and faucets.  The bathroom is one of the biggest breeding grounds for germs so there is no reason you shouldn’t be instituting better technology here.

Remote Possibilities – Speaking of technology, we have so many unique ways of connecting in this day and age that can easily be implemented into the office.  If possible, make it easier for employees to work remotely.  With the vast amount of programs that increase efficiency and promote better work habits, employees are often able to stay engaged and more productive than when they are confined within traditional cubicles.  It’s also easier than ever for a manager to hold remote workers accountable and make sure work is getting done.

By reducing the amount of people working directly in the office, you can free up space normally taken over by designated desks and add rotating work areas or even downsize physical locations to lower overhead costs.

Personal Touch – Sharing keyboards, computers and phones can be a cesspool for spreading germs.  Investing in personal laptops or tablets and phones for employees is a great way to keep the office free of clutter or wires and give your crew peace of mind that the only germs they’re interacting with are their own.

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Easy Peasy – When it comes to selecting office furniture and decor, opt for those that are easiest to clean.  Not only will this help your cleaning company eradicate germs more efficiently, it will help keep debris and gathering bacteria to a minimum in your day-to-day.

Magic Helpers –  Even when coronavirus is no longer a threat, it’s still a great idea to keep sanitizer and anti-bacterial wipes on hand.  Place them in common areas, conference rooms and even keep a few small tubes at each employee’s work station.  Getting in the habit of reducing germs and staying clean is something we should ALWAYS do, not just in times of quarantine.

It’s never a bad idea to have a fully stocked first aid kit nearby.

Be sure that your cleaning service uses eco-friendly products and understands how to clean for your specific industry or where the brunt of your office germs could be hiding.  Professional office cleaning services, such as DM Industrial, are not only experienced and skilled in all industries but know how to correctly clean every surface and material type.

Your local cleaning company may do a fantastic job of eradicating germs, bacteria and viruses when they come after hours but they are not standing with you during the day.  Taking precautions and promoting better health and safety habits during work hours can help keep germs brought in that morning from hitching a ride home with you at night.

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DM Industrial even offers FREE estimates. No gimmicks, no commitments – a free quote on what it will take to clean and disinfect your professional office space the right way.  You can fill out an estimate request HERE or give our DM Industrial Janitorial Service specialists a call at 708.458.2330 and finally see the difference between clean and industrial clean!

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